Norfolk Metals Ltd (ASX:NFL) (Norfolk or the Company) is pleased to present its investor presentation.

No significant uranium production in the countryWith rising uranium prices, there is a likely exploitation of known resources previously defined at Cerro Solo, Laguna Salada, Sierra Pintada, and IvanaIntegrated exploration at an Argentinian basin level has not been carried out and the known resources are plausibly only a fraction of country’s uranium potentialCentre for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture Centro (CNEA) controls Argentina’s uranium market (since the 1950s) however this may change with the new administration and current uranium price environment
Via Greenshift Commodities Ltd (GCOM) subsidiary Buenavida Metales S.A; Norfolk has exclusivity to 22 claims totaling 60,396 hectares know as the Las Alteras ProjectLas Alteras project is a uranium project portfolio along Paleochannels and Calcrete environments favorable to giant uranium depositsLas Alteras land package represents a significant opportunity to be a major uranium explorer within the Cerro Solo DistrictFluvial and pyroclastic sediments constituting the Chubut Group settled down upon a Jurassic age basementThese Jurassic volcanics (grouped as the Marifil Formation) covered much of eastern Chubut and Rio Negro and potentially supplied the material that makes up the Chubut Group sediments that host the mineralizationUranium hosted with pyrobitumen, indicating fluid mixing with methane. Potential for major uranium district with in-situ leach mining extraction considerations
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